Thursday, 25 February 2016

Ten Weeks In

  Last night, Elouise said it was ten weeks to the day since she conceived. It's gone quite fast really, and it's amazing how quickly the foetus develops. We looked at a few pictures and comparisons online. Apparently it now has limbs and fingers,organs are forming and it's around the size of a grape. To be honest it  looks like something you could buy on a Chinese market fried on a stick. But yeah, it's on its way to becoming a proper little dude. 

  Our first scan is in a couple of weeks, where they will check all the limbs and organs are cool, and also test for Down's Syndrome. Pretty exciting times, but the last time we had an appointment it was with the midwife and I felt kind of excluded. Elouise picked up on this so I know it wasn't just me. For an hour and a half they spoke directly to her and barely acknowledged me as a part of things, which was a bit shit. 
  Thing is, I am equally excited about what's going on and once baby is born, I will be an equal part of it's life. So it's really frustrating when you don't feel included. Elouise has been wicked though and I'm glad she recognised how I may have felt about that. 
  I feel ready to be a dad now. Some days anyway. I mean I know I will do a great job of it, and I won't mind having extra responsibility. 
  But then again, today I had the day off work so I slept in. When I woke up I headed downstairs for breakfast. What did I have? M&M's cereal... That's not even a thing! It's just M&M's in a bowl with milk. They were crispy M&M'S mind you, so had some cereal in to be fair.

 But my point is, I spent my afternoon watching Spongebob Squarepants and sipping blue tinted milk from a bowl, and it was brilliant... Probably can't get away with that in a few months time so I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts.

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