Tuesday, 23 February 2016

The Story So Far

  Elouise and I have known each other for a long time, but we haven't been together all that long. Around six months or ago we pretty much started living together, and mid January, moved into a new house together. New as in, to us. The house is quite old, and is in Glossop. Most things here are old. Glossop is a region of Derbyshire around fifteen miles east of Manchester. It's fair to say it's taken me some time to adjust... The average age is seventy, the bus stops are made out of stone and there are four cobblers on one street. FOUR! Who are these people breaking their shoes so often, that shoe repair demand is that high?? F*** me...

  Anyways, we found out about the pregnancy the day before our housewarming. By found out, I mean took several pregnancy tests as the panic set in. We weren't prepared for it and to be honest, was rather looking forward to a knees-up the following night.
  We decided to pretend we didn't know until after the housewarming. Then once everyone had left the next day, begin discussions. We didn't really know where to start. This was four/five weeks into the pregnancy, we hadn't planned it and still had the option to 'get rid' if we chose to. Now neither of us could stomach the thought of getting an abortion, but at the time it seemed like the right thing to do, so we booked an abortion in for the following Monday.
  We had weighed up the pro's and con's. We hadn't been together all that long, our finances aren't exactly booming, we rent our house, it's just awful timing... But then again we love each other, and it's not like we are too young, or couldn't cope. The next week was pretty shitty.
  Elouise was up and down. One day feeling positive and certain over the abortion being the best choice, the next questioning everything. It was awful. Because see the thing is, I was exactly the same, but knew I couldn't let it show. I felt I had to stand firm on our decision, but not because I didn't want to reverse it. In fact as each day went by I wanted the baby more and more, but I felt I couldn't express this otherwise it would add more pressure onto my other half. It was proper, proper hard, but it meant I had time to think things over myself too.
  Maybe this wasn't the best way to deal with it, but that's what I did. The following Monday when the morning of the abortion came, we just didn't go. And that was our mind pretty much made up.
  I can't wait to be a father...


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